Hello ladies and gentlemen as promised I'm going to be ranking every single World Cup Kit in this video I'm only going to be taking a look at the home kits next time I'll go over all the away ones so make sure you subscribe to this channel to stay tuned for that and also a bit of a disclaimer I might not actually be ranking every single kit sorry for the misleading title but Tunisia and Cameroon have still not launched their kits they're both taking their sweet time for this release Cameroon just switched from Puma to one all sports a company that's mostly known for their Motorsport gear and they're just taking too long I'm eager to make this tier list so I've included 30 teams today I'll be editing this video as this week goes on it'll take me a long time anyway and if Tunisia and Cameron do come in clutch before I upload this I will include them at the very end of this video but yeah more than ever this is just my opinion so as always let me know your thoughts in the comments below leave another like let's try to hit 1500 likes for this video let's get into it this time we'll start in reverse order from the groups starting off in Group H Portugal I see some people have been warming up to this kit but I just don't see the hype whatsoever it is terrible in my opinion one of the worst kits we'll be seeing at the World Cup it's cool that they Incorporated the flag on the kit but it is a very lazy design now if you look closely there is a very subtle pattern in there but from far away it looks extremely Bland I already went on my Nike tangent but Nike have done a terrible job on their kits this year Portugal being one of the best examples of how they just absolutely bottled it and seemed like they couldn't care less about this world cup launch this has to go on the bottom for me possibly one of my easier choices in this video it's a shame because Portugal are such a quality side going into this world cup everybody's gonna have their eyes on this shirt very exciting Squad Kris Jenner and all those last World Cup as well and this is what Nike have given them I'm happy that some people like it I guess but for me not at all and I know some Portuguese fans have been agreeing with me on this statement it's one of the worst kits I've seen from Portugal it Jenny evenly looks like some unlicensed team in Pro Evo now for Uruguay overall it's a pretty simple design one of the more noticeable things is the cuffs on the sleeves they're huge but I think it's a good touch the small button on the car this is actually a very clean kit simple Innovative and way better than their away kit which we'll get into in the next video I'm not too impressed with Puma overall in their world cup launch but this kit in specific I think is pretty solid I know I'll get some disagreements on this statement but in my opinion it doesn't really seem like they did anything wrong with it and I'm going to be giving Uruguay an a for this video now going back to Nike South Korea some people like this kit from what I've seen but in my opinion it is a massive downgrade compared to their previous design their last kit had a pattern going across the entire shirt with a theme that very much represented the country this just has some details on the shoulders and apart from that it's completely blank I do appreciate the touch that they added on the shoulders I guess but it's kind of awkward how it cuts off on the lower bit of the arms Nike uses his theme a lot where they have an awkward separation from the shoulders to the chest at times it's more visible than others but here it's pretty present as it's very much cut off I don't think it Blends well together I like the color but apart from that I'm really not a huge fan of this kit much better last year I'm gonna have to give it a c at least it's not as bad as Portugal's now for Ghana Ghana's home kit again I think is a bit of a downgrade compared to last year's there was a lot more detail going on across the kit this one's a lot more simple it's completely white you got cuffs representing the flag of the country the collar is a bit awkward with just that random yellow line in the center and they did this last year as well but this year it's a bit more noticeable because the kit is completely white the Black Star in the center I I just love that touch that's the identity of the national team I believe it's bigger on this kit than last year's as well I wish there was some more detail going on like last year's but I still respect where Puma went with this so I will give them a more generous ranking I will be giving Ghana a b now for Brazil now a lot of people are complaining that Brazil's kit looks the same every single year it's always yellow with those green details on usually the color of the sleeves yes of course why would they change that though it's just so iconic to the beautiful game everybody recognizes that kit so I don't blame them at all for not wanting to change that and what they have added to this kit I think is beautiful this time they went a lot more Innovative adding a subtle Jaguar pattern across the kit this new touch is such an upgrade compared to their previous designs and I'm sorry say what you want about it being the same every single year with this new element along with it being just such an iconic kit for so many years I'm giving Brazil an S no for Serbia oh man this kit is so underwhelming it is unbelievable now I don't despise the new badge change it's okay but the rest of the kit really is just such a letdown nothing cool about it their kit last year with this Nikola Tesla pattern was phenomenal I don't know if you can really see it on this camera I'll show you a picture anyway but yeah this might be one of the biggest downgrades we are seeing in these World Cup Kit releases this kit right here is s material this is at the bottom at D I'm sorry this kit might grow on some people because Serbia definitely can have a solid run at the World Cup but I'm just so disappointed in this I guess there is some subtle design integrated in there but it still does not work for me I really wish these were better now for Switzerland another Puma release all it's really got going is those lines on the top of the kit that start to fade down it's a bland other than that and the collar just looks oddly boxy and triangular it just truly does look like an awkward fit still more effort in this kit than what we are seeing at the D category so I will be a bit nicer to Switzerland they're really at the edge here but I'll put them at C now for Belgium one of of the few Adidas kits that I am not the biggest fan of what they went with here seeing a lot of people like this design it's Unique with the flames on the sleeves but I oddly can't help but think of this dude when I see the kit I appreciate the unique delivery Belgium tried to execute here but I think their merch was a lot better A few years back but yeah I'm gonna have to give Belgium a c they have I be it brutal so far look at that now for Morocco this jersey is actually inspired from one of their retro kits from back in the day I believe in 1998 it's basically the same design similar elements to Uruguay's kit obviously because it's Puma but yeah like I said that retro chest element that they added I think is great you got the badge on one rectangle nothing on the other actually then the Puma logo in the center not bad here from Puma I think it's in the same ranks as Uruguay I will be giving it an a might be a controversial opinion but again just my preference now moving on to Canada if you already didn't know are the one country that's participating in the world cup that are not getting a new kit the jersey that they will be representing at the World Cup is the same kit that they've been using during these World Cup qualifiers a lot of Canadians are obviously fuming about that this is their first World Cup in so long they want to have some kind of visual memory of this but honestly when you look at the rest of the Nike kit launches I think you guys might have been blessed here pretty plain kit apart from the shoulders and the arms where you got a different kind of pattern going on there I gotta put Canada in B I'm sorry you guys didn't get a new kit but like I said maybe for the best and now for Croatia Nike like I said have already been getting so much criticism and Croatia is one of the easiest designs to point out at Croatia have some of the most unique kits in the international football scene those Checkers everybody now recognizes they really are some of my favorite kids in the game clearly represents the identity of the national team this one does as well they still got the Checkers in there but why do they have to go for so many missing bits as you can see it just oddly looks unfinished here and you got the aqua Nike template where they try to cut off the shoulders to the chest it's visible here where they left a lot of the chests mostly white for the crest and the Nike Swoosh this is 100 a downgrade compared to our previous designs I will miss our old kits for sure but this still screams the Croatia national team and I am fully aware this might be an absolutely biased take but I'm gonna be putting them at B the Croatia national team is honestly what got me into watching the sport in the first place so that checkered theme is always iconic to me yes it's a downgrade compared to to the before but again it still has got that Croatian identity which at least they didn't mess up on that so yes it's not my favorite it's one of our worst in many years but at least it's something so I'm gonna be giving them a beat now for Germany this is a kit that definitely grew on me when I first saw it I was kind of like still something doesn't sit right here it's a bit too bland despite the unique touch I guess you still just got completely black in the center and white on the sides but after looking at it a bit more I'm definitely appreciating it more and more the color is a beautiful touch featuring the German flags it's so subtle not really popping out yet it Blends in very well with this simple design the fact that the crest and the Adidas badge in the center are gold I think make it beautiful and there is some very subtle texture there it's more visible in the center where it's all black Bravo Deutschland already looks like an instant classic I'm gonna be giving them an a now for Spain very very simple obviously scream Spain here but simply just read the only detail that is worth mentioning that I do appreciate for sure is the caller I only like how it's unfinished and I like the color scheme behind it now this kit is a perfect example of something where I'm trying to look for something I don't like about it and I just can't find anything I wish there were maybe some more crazy pattern that's going across the kip at the same time the Simplicity on this shirt rocks it's just not the most mind-blowing kit I've ever seen so I will put it in the a category now for Japan it's about time we put another kid in the S category this is one of my favorite kits at the world cup Japan never seemed to miss lately they always have some of the best kits we've seen last year's was already incredible I didn't think it could get better and it somehow did the origami design across the kit is just beautiful all those beautiful shades of blue that blend perfectly together you can't ask for anything better than this and sorry to Brazil I gave you some praise but I think it's better than Brazil's I don't normally do this with the tearless videos but I just got to emphasize how much I love this kit and it would be absolutely mind-blowing to me if they somehow managed to top this design again next time around group E has been doing solo with these kids so far but we move on to Costa Rica next and I am very disappointed in this design definitely in the D category last year was so much better that cost 30 can flag that was Blended in behind the New Balance Loca was a beautiful touch this has nothing great to it eat those sleeves man I want to say those are cuffs but I don't think they are I think that's generally the whole sleeve half of it is blue the rest of the kit is plain red the collar is white none of it Blends well together I like how they use the flag colors sure but most International kids do anyway not a fan of this at all not Innovative I'm sorry but what the hell were New Balance thinking here Costa Rica would have been absolutely up there if they kept the trend from their previous designs now for Francis kit I explained this kit so well in one of my previous videos I'm just going to run that clip back there's a lot of subtle detail that I appreciate especially the national team badge I love how it's gold the template of the kit is actually identical to Chelsea's new kit this year the caller being the exact same along with the button the kit also features a lot of subtle patterns such as the collar it includes oak leaves and Olive branches to signify strength solidarity and peace you've also got the French flag on the cuff of the sleeve it looks so simple from far but when you look up close they executed everything beautifully it seems iconic maybe it was somewhat of a replica from some years back so simple yet unique at the same time which is why I'm ranking this kit so highly although it's Nike I gotta say they did a great job here and the kits only growing on me more and more I'm giving France an S now for Denmark this is one of the newest kits to come out this kid attempts to be somewhat of a replica of what they wore at Euro 1992 where yes they won the trophy you can somewhat see a similarity of that on the sleeves and I emphasize somewhat because everything here is just just Blended too similar of the same color even the badge and the Hummel logo it all just looks like a plain red shirt if you look at it from far away once you look close you start to notice that that's actually the Denmark badge it only looks like they're trying to copy Germany's kid from Euro 2020 except that one actually looked a bit badass since it was mostly black this one being all red I don't know I'm not a fan of that I can't really see anything Denmark I feel like they could have done better here really appreciated what they had last time around this one I don't know it's my Danish people I know there's a lot of you let me know what you think of this kit I'm curious to know but I'm gonna be giving Denmark a d now for Australia again Gotta Give Nike some props on this one I'm giving it an a Nike's template usually doesn't pull through but the separation from the shoulders to the rest of the shirt Blends in beautifully two different designs Incorporated but I love it the design attempts to mimic the golden waddle flower along with the beautiful nature Australia has to offer from the Sandy landscapes of the Outbacks to the rich wetlands in the forest I honestly could be giving this one a s you know what I might just maybe people won't be a fan of their colors but at the same time they're similar to Brazil so why not now taking a look at Saudi Arabia this kit features some interesting subtle pattern that we've actually seen from their previous design but the previous design was a lot better they had green cuffs they had green lines going across the side this is literally a downgrade from their previous kit I'm sorry Saudi Arabia but I'm putting you at the C ranking now for Poland this kit is actually pretty similar South Korea's in the sense where they went for some kind of pattern going across the arms the shoulders and then the rest of the kit is blank this one is obviously predominantly white it features less red detail compared to their previous design but I really like the pattern that they went with on the shoulders I critique South Korea's a lot more because there's kind of cut off at the bottom this one it doesn't seem like it does the pattern goes all the way across on the bottom of the arm as well I like that the pattern cuts off at the Cuffs as well it's not my favorite kit but I definitely think it's a solid integration I'll put them at the B ranking not for Mexico whenever I look at this I think of a Christmas tree but that's good vibes this kit is beautiful in my opinion lots of critiques going on for the Mexico National team especially their manager but their kit game is always on point they went back to the green design for their home kit which is what I think most people appreciate I'm giving Mexico an S damn we're praising a lot of kits and it's not stopping there I'm also going to be giving the next kit we're ranking Argentina NS as well similar concept to Brazil's kit yes it's the same every year with those blue and white stripes going down vertically why would they ditch that design though they're keeping their identity and the additions that they added are absolutely Flawless the back is also phenomenal at the top you've got the sun known as El Sol de mayo and then you've got shorter vertical lines in the middle too I guess make the name and the numbers stick out more black cuffs and Adidas stripes on the shoulders again Adidas I mean look at that we only have one Adidas kit that's at C the rest are at a or S so far now it's taking a look at England this just screeches that terrible Nike template that design on the shoulder starts off at dark blue Fades away to light blue and then completely white at the end of the arms different colors on the Cuffs but yeah we're moving forward in the future and I'm just seeing a worse design compared to the Past we've seen better haven't we I'm giving England a c now for the United States of America I'm seeing some people are saying this looks like an NFL jersey absolutely Bland their last one was as well but at least that one all the details very much fit well you can see back then that the details are on the Cuffs here they moved all that detail to the middle of the sleeve and it just doesn't suit right to me also that navy blue shape right under the neck you see a lot of Nike away kits having that same exact design this has got to be one of the worst kits at the World Cup I'm giving USA a d now for Iran all the focus is on the chest and the shoulders you got a beautiful subtle pattern integrated and then right under that you got the red and the green swish that kind of Blends in together I actually know they fade away when they're about to touch cuffs on the sleeves representing the Iranian flag with a different sponsor other than Nike and Adidas of course this Kit's gonna be unique I wish they put that jaguar or leopard pattern also towards the bottom of the kit but apart from that I like this kit a decent amount I'll be giving it on a b now for whales again Adidas is not missing this year I I absolutely love the pattern that goes across the kit you've got lighter to Dark Shades that kind of zigzag across I love it I honestly was expecting whales to have a much more simple kit but it seems like they really went all out on this and I'm going to be giving them a high ranking I don't know about all the way at s I'll give them an a now it's taking a look at group a let's start off with the host guitar the only thing that impresses me about this kit to be honest is the Cuffs that zigzag pattern from their flag the rest of the kit is very plain though no Crazy Design across from that the badge being in the middle kind of looks awkward as well at least from this image definitely the most Innovative cuffs we are seeing in real time for these kits so that's boosting the ranking but apart from that not much else like I said so I'll be giving this kit a b now going on to Ecuador we haven't taken a look at this kit on the channel yet what an upgrade from last year it looks plain from far but very cool subtle texture you're seeing the small flag on the Cuffs just like France the detail on the side of the shirt I really gotta give this kit props it's very simple yet Innovative it looks much better than before where they had both of the sleeves completely blue similar to Spain the Simplicity is just on point here and I'm gonna be giving Ecuador an a now for Senegal when you look at it it seems pretty similar to Gunners actually you got the star in the middle this one has more representation the flag going across the chest same idea where the Cuffs the only difference is the collar has that same color pattern but I do like Ghana's more that extra bit of detail from Senegal doesn't really blend in my opinion also their kids from last time around were some of my favorites like many of the other kits in this blog I think this is a massive downgrade I can't ignore this downgrade man sure maybe ghanas was too but I like how Ghana's star just sticks out I mean they're known as the black stars in the first place this has got to go in the C ranking I'm sorry Senegal now for Netherlands they went for a really unique design representing the Lion's fur I really appreciate where they're going with this like many of the other kids I hate to say it again I liked what they did last year more that pattern of the line integrated across the kit was a lot cooler than this this is a cool idea a cool concept but the kit is just way too bright in my opinion at least in the images that I've seen so far so with that all being said I think they deserve a b we have approached the end of the blog and like I said at the beginning of this recording we have still not seen anything from Cameroon or Tunisia and still nothing is confirmed however I did check both Instagram Pages for each of the national teams and they did release some stuff it's nothing confirmed in terms of kits but some shirts that I haven't seen before both these could easily be training kits or traveling shirts I don't know but here's what I'm seeing from Tunisia so far they got the Kappa sponsor that hasn't changed an interesting color there lots of random red detail on the shoulders and the sleeves obviously the Kappa logo being multiplied across the shoulders and the arms I think that little bit of detail where that Kappa duplication cuts off between the shoulders in the arms is a bit awkward and the rest of the shirt is a bit plain last time they had a pretty interesting design throughout what happened to all the Africa kits in terms of that a lot of them were banging during the Africa Cup of Nations now they seem a bit bang average this kit is not officially confirmed but it's what I've been seeing on the Instagram page and I haven't really seen it being floated around anywhere else so it could easily just be some training kit but I'm going to rank it as if it is one of the official kits and I'm giving this a c and then for Cameroon again the team posted these photos they very much look like training kits but as we can see they have a new sponsor there and actually a lot of sponsors lots of advertisements across the kit I'm assuming it's not going to look like that by the time the World Cup rolls around national teams usually don't endorse all those kind of sponsors besides all those advertisements this shirt is literally just green it's just a green top nothing else like I said this is not confirmed but I don't want to leave you guys out of this video this is just what I've been seeing recently so I'm gonna leave it here Cameroon for me based off of these pictures is a d I really hope they live up to the Africa Cup of Nations kit that they had that one was sick but it's a bit doubtful since they decided to ditch Puma my list was pretty evenly distributed I actually didn't even mean to do that I thought I was gonna have a lot more that were in the D or C category but yeah I gotta give credit to where it's due so yeah let me know your disagreements in the comments thank you all for making it to the end if you haven't already please hit that like button subscribe if you're new and I will be doing the same kind of blog for the away kids so make sure you stay tuned for that take care foreign



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