Tite predicts Brazil's World Cup title: "We will come back with the cup 2022


welcome We will come back with the cup 2022  in qatar and with that Brazilians are already having to control their anxiety until then brazil will still play two friendly matches before the coach reveals the final 26 names that will be called for the world cup one of those places is already practically owned by stryker raffina who left the premier league for Barcelona moreover the player has been a constant presence in the teachers squad and doing justice to the calls of the professor in an interview with the portal gzh the striker left the common sense answers aside and was honest about the chances of the selecao win the hexacampio natu I believe yes we will reach the final of this world cup and we will come back with the cup revealed the striker who argued his words it's not because i'm in the team but i see an incredible working group players who want to win this title and are doing their utmost to do so everyone gets along very well the chance of us winning this title is very high but as i said it's a championship just like the champions league we might have a bad day and lose but we are preparing as much as we can so that that doesn't happen rafinha told gzh



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